Volume 37, May 2022 | Page 14

Impact of water depth and walking speed on dogs ’ muscle activity in a water treadmill
USER-ALT Anne Desire Viger and others , University of Copenhagen
Water-treadmill exercise is effective in rebuilding muscle strength in dogs , following surgery . However , there is little published data on the optimum conditions for dogs in these facilities . The authors used acoustic myography to assess hind-limb muscle activation in 25 healthy large-breed dogs , and the effects of different walking speeds and water depths . Their findings show that walking in water up to the level of the midfemur is more demanding for the biceps femoris muscle than for the vastus lateralis . These findings may assist in developing more precise rehabilitation protocols .
Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica https :// doi . org / 10.1186 / s13028-021-00612-z
Effect of warming food on appetite in ageing cats
USER-ALT Ryan Eyre and others , Royal Canin Pet Health and Nutrition Centre , Lewisburg , Ohio
Inappetence is common in older cats and the resulting lack of key dietary components may have adverse effects on muscle mass and other aspects of the pet ’ s health . The authors investigated the effects of warming food on the appetite of cats over 7 years old . Bowls of food were presented at 6 ° C , 21 ° C and 37 ° C . Warming the food did not affect the viscosity of the product but was found to increase levels of 11 out of 15 volatile compounds measured using mass spectroscopy . These cats preferred the warmed food , particularly when presented at 37 ° C , as this appears to enhance the flavour profile . Warming food appears to be a useful strategy for encouraging cats that have lost interest in feeding .
Journal of Veterinary Behaviour https :// doi . org / 10.1016 / j . jveb . 2021.09.006
Non-adherence to followup recommendations after orthopaedic surgery
USER-ALT Kevin de Moya and others , University of Florida , Gainesville
The owners of veterinary patients discharged following orthopaedic surgery will usually be asked to attend a follow-up examination to monitor recovery and identify potential complications . The authors investigated the extent of client compliance with discharge recommendations and sought to identify factors associated with non-adherence . They found that 34.2 % of cats and dogs treated at a university centre were lost to follow-up . They suggest that efforts to improve adherence should focus on cases where the animal underwent emergency surgery , where pets only had one owner , and where cases were feline patients .
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association https :// doi . org / 10.2460 / javma . 21.01.0019
14 Veterinary Nursing Journal