Volume 37, May 2022 | Page 13

Management of a large bite wound in a dog using a fish-skin graft
USER-ALT Caroline Choi and others , VCA West Los Angeles Animal Hospital
Skin grafts using material from tilapia , a group of African freshwater fish , have been used successfully to repair burns , diabetic ulcers and traumatic injuries in human patients . The authors describe using tilapia skin grafts to manage the wounds on a dachshund that had lost 30 % of its skin surface following an attack
‘ The wound was completely closed with no evidence of wound contracture ’
by another dog . They report that the strategy was successful , with epithelialisation occurring at a rate of 1.76 mm / day . As a result , the wound was completely closed with no evidence of wound contracture by 102 days after treatment .
Canadian Veterinary Journal 62 ( 10 ), 1071 – 1076
Reducing vocalisations in dogs with separation anxiety
USER-ALT Katriina Tiira , University of Helsinki
Barking and howling are frequently associated with separation anxiety in domestic dogs and are likely to produce complaints from neighbours . The author investigated the efficacy of a technology called the Digital Dogsitter , which detects the sounds of a dog ’ s vocalisations and responds by playing a short audio file recorded by the owner . The study showed that the total noise produced by dogs was significantly reduced after 2 weeks . The technology was considered very effective by 68.7 % of the 35 owners , while 14.3 % felt the results were only short lasting . After using the device for 8 months , many owners also reported a reduction in their dog ’ s destructive behaviour .
Applied Animal Behaviour Science https :// doi . org / 10.1016 / j . applanim . 2021.105460
Prevalence , causes , symptoms and control of cat allergies in humans
USER-ALT Andrew Sparkes , Simply Feline Veterinary Consultancy , Shaftesbury , Wiltshire
Sensitisation to feline allergens is present in between 5 % and 20 % of the human population in the UK . Many cat owners or their family members are likely to be affected and veterinary staff may be asked for advice on managing this condition . The author reviews current understanding of the prevalence and causes of cat allergies , explains the symptoms in affected people and describes strategies for minimising exposure to , and the impact of , feline antigens . Dietary choices could influence levels of the Fel d 1 antigen produced in cat saliva and distributed ( through the cat ’ s grooming behaviour ) on dander around the home .
Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery https :// doi . org / 10.1177 / 1098612X211036793
VOL 37 • May 2022