Volume 37, May 2022 | Page 15

Nutritional composition of commercial rabbit foods
USER-ALT Katarzyna Kazimierska and Wioletta Biel , Szczecin University of Technology
A balanced diet of grass , hay and green leafy plants is ideal for rabbits , but many owners choose to give their pets commercial mixed diets . The authors examined the nutritional composition of commercial rabbit foods available in Poland . In the foods tested , they found there was considerable non-compliance with current EU guidelines on pet food composition and divergence from the manufacturers ’ own compositional claims , as reported on the labelling .
Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine https :// doi . org / 10.1053 / j . jepm . 2021.06.006
Use of intravenous fluid bolus therapy in veterinary emergency care
USER-ALT Bradley Harris and others , Blue Pearl Veterinary Partners , Tampa , Florida
Fluid bolus therapy is a standard first-line treatment for companion animal patients that present with cardiovascular shock . However , there is considerable debate about the most appropriate methods , including the type of fluid , volume and rate of administration . The authors sent an online survey to 222 emergency care veterinarians , asking them to describe their methods . The majority favoured balanced isotonic electrolyte solutions and hypertonic sodium chloride solutions . Their monitoring of patients tended to focus on heart rate , blood pressure , capillary refill time and plasma lactate levels .
Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care https :// doi . org / 10.1111 / vec . 13091
VOL 37 • May 2022