VNJ Volume 39 (3) June 2024 | Page 4


Employment Restrictive covenants in employment contracts
Health matters Imposter syndrome : the facts – and how to stop it holding you back
BVNA news Nominations open for the VNJ Writer of the Year 2024 award
BVNA news Voting opens in the 2024 BVNA Council elections
BVNA Congress What ' s happening , where and when at BVNA Congress 2024


Science shorts 22
Charity Pet friends , reunited – a profile of the Drone To Home charity for missing pets
Clinical Transferable skills and teamwork – insights from a career in veterinary practice and human healthcare
Clinical The effect of neutering cats on the prevalence of feline immunodeficiency virus
Clinical Critical nursing care of feline urethral obstruction – a case study
Clinical An RVN ' s guide to clinical coaching 50 Student The respiratory system 54


ISSN : 1741-5349
Advertising enquiries : kevan @ bvna . co . uk Feedback and article submissions : vnj @ bvna . co . uk
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