VNJ Volume 39 (3) June 2024 | Page 11

Comments BVNA NEWS
December 2023
Your trauma does not define you by Sarah Thynne
The truth about being a new graduate in practice by Lauryn Read
Potential barriers to the treatment and management of feline behaviour problems , particularly cognitive dysfunction syndrome , in ageing domestic cats by Frankie Lees
Factors affecting owner awareness of osteoarthritis in cats , and its influence on veterinary practice attendance by Georgia Edwards
Standardising cardio pulmonary resuscitation in practice by Sam Thompson
Pet blood donation : does increased awareness of pet blood banks influence public opinion on pet blood donation ? by Kristi Cherry
A guide to interpreting blood panels – Part 1 : Haematology by Matthew Garland
A guide to diagnostic testing by April Murphy
February 2024
April 2024
A chat about cat litter by Danielle Barnett
Nursing care of the equine proliferative enteropathy patient : a case study by Samantha Feighery
Nursing care of the recumbent neonatal foal by Bonny Millar
Radiography of the pelvis in standing horses : What is achievable in practice ? by Rosie Heath
Nursing care of a dog with tetanus : a case study by Kai Dillenburger-Keenan
June 2024
Pet friends , reunited by Holly Crawford *
Transferrable skills and teamwork : insights from a career in veterinary practice and human healthcare by Nick Taylor *
The effect of neutering cats on the prevalence of feline immunodeficiency virus by Chloe Mackintosh *
Critical nursing care of feline urethral obstruction : A case study by Cyndi Haslam *
An RVN ' s guide to clinical coaching by Bethan Lovvorn *
The respiratory system by Melanie Bailey *
Autism in veterinary practice by Ellia Davis
Checking in to an ice hotel : a VN ' s guide to egg freezing by Jade Brindley
Nursing care of the recumbent canine patient after ventral slot surgery by Ruth Jacques
The impact of ‘ sleeping night shifts ’ on veterinary clinical staff ' s cognitive performance and fine motor skills by Eve Burns , Carol Gray and Sarah Vivian
Perioperative patient nutrition : a literature review by Kelly Huitson
Things I wish I ' d known before training to be a veterinary nurse by Ben Witcomb
* The URL for the article was not available at the time of publication .
Volume 39 ( 3 ) • June 2024