VNJ Volume 39 (3) June 2024 | Page 10

BVNA news

The latest news and updates from BVNA

Nominations open for the VNJ Writer of the Year 2024 award

BVNA is inviting nominations for the VNJ Writer of the Year award . The award recognises authors of articles that make a difference to the veterinary profession by encouraging discussion , driving positive change , inspiring interest or prompting improvements in clinical practice . The award is open to authors of articles published in VNJ between August 2023 and July 2024 .
The VNJ Writer of the Year award forms part of BVNA ' s annual awards , which culminate in a prize-giving ceremony at BVNA Congress . The awards are a great opportunity to recognise the impact of individual veterinary nurses on the profession .
If you ' ve enjoyed an article you ' ve read in VNJ , please take a moment to nominate the author . You can register nominations for VNJ Writer of the Year , BVNA RVN Champion of the Year , BVNA RVN Mentor of the Year and BVNA SVN of the Year at https :// bvna . org . uk / blog / bvna-awards-2024 until 31 July 2024 .
Here ' s a round up of the some of the articles submitted by veterinary nurses over the past year , with links to access the articles via the BVNA website , where available . We would like to extend a huge thanks to everyone who has contributed articles to VNJ – without you , the journal wouldn ' t be what it is today . Thank you !
August 2023
How to save a life in an hour by Sophie Booth
The nursing care implications for the critical myiasis rabbit – focused on pain management and fluid therapy by Sarah Jenkins
Brachycephalic caesarean nursing care – Part 2 : Perioperative care by Hannah Campbell
How to use capnography as part of environmentally sustainable anaesthesia efforts by Liza Beck
Nursing care of feline cardiomyopathy : a patient care assessment by Emma Murphy
Understanding the cardiovascular system by Ben Witcomb
October 2023
Why a career in the veterinary profession can be difficult to figure out with a family by Danielle Barnett
Where could your career take you ? by Ruby Lambert
Alongside a career as a veterinary nurse – the road to patient rehabilitation by Emma Ruggles
Diabetes mellitus in African pygmy hedgehogs by Jordan Vile
Radioactive iodine as a treatment for feline hyperthyroidism – Part 1 : An introduction to radiation and iodine-131 by Candice Drew
Radioactive iodine as a treatment for feline hyperthyroidism – Part 2 : The treatment process by Candice Drew
Understanding diabetic ketoacidosis by Kelly Palfrey Diabetes mellitus in cats and dogs by April Murphy
10 Veterinary Nursing Journal