VNJ Volume 38 (6) December 2023 | Page 14

Potential barriers to the treatment and management of feline behaviour problems , particularly cognitive dysfunction syndrome , in ageing domestic cats

DOI : https :// www . doi . org / 10.56496 / VMYW6741
Francesca Lees , BSc ( Hons ), NCert ( AnBeh ), ISFM CertFN , RVN
Wild Cats Feline Behaviour Advice and Support
ENVELOPE frankie . nancy1990 @ gmail . com
Francesca is an RVN and feline behaviour specialist in Plymouth , Devon . After qualifying as an RVN , Francesca worked in small animal first opinion practice while studying for certificates in feline nursing and animal behaviour . In 2022 , Francesca graduated with a BSc ( Hons ) in applied animal behaviour from Sparsholt College . She now runs her own animal behaviour business , predominantly focused on feline behaviour , and is a provisional clinical animal behaviourist member of the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors .
14 Veterinary Nursing Journal