VNJ Volume 38 (6) December 2023 | Page 13

Effect of age at neutering on the risks of dogs becoming obese or overweight
USER-ALT Valerie Benka and others , Alliance for Contraception in Cats and Dogs , Portland , USA
Neutering is known to increase the risk of dogs and cats becoming overweight or obese and has also been associated with other health problems , including cruciate injuries , hip dysplasia and diabetes . The authors analysed data on more than 155,000 cases seen at a major practice group in the USA to assess the influence of age at neutering on health outcomes . Gonadectomy increased the risk of all neutered dogs , but particularly males , becoming obese or overweight compared with intact animals . Neutering at 1 year old reduced the risk of dogs becoming obese compared with later neutering . The effects of earlier neutering at 6 months old were strongly influenced by the breed size . Such studies may help veterinary professionals to provide advice appropriate to the care of individual dogs .
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association https :// doi . org / 10.2460 / javma . 22.12.0596
Influence of perioperative lidocaine on primary wound healing in cats and dogs
USER-ALT Erica Anna Herlofson and others , Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences , Uppsala , Sweden
Pre-emptive local analgesia using infiltration of lidocaine has become a widely used strategy in veterinary surgery , even though there have been some reports that this agent may delay wound healing . The authors describe a randomised , double-blind trial that compared the effects of an infusion of lidocaine and a placebo on wound healing after surgery in 49 dogs and three cats . In assessments made by veterinary professionals or owners , there was no significant difference in the rate of wound healing between the two groups . There were five incidents of surgical site infections , all in the placebo group . These findings suggest that perioperative lidocaine is a safe and effective option for perioperative pain control in small animal surgery .
Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica https :// doi . org / 10.1186 / s13028-023-00686-x
Adverse reaction to medication in a dog treated for an anxiety disorder
USER-ALT Sally Jane Nixon and Kersti Seksel , Animal Progress , Myrtleford , Victoria , Australia
A 19-month-old spayed female French bulldog was referred due to its overexcited reaction to various stimuli , such as road traffic outside the home , the sound of lawnmowers and barking dogs . A treatment plan was proposed that included medication with fluoxetine , a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor . Although improvements in the dog ' s behaviour were reported , it still showed signs of anxiety and hypervigilance . An increased dose of fluoxetine was recommended but the owner then reported that the dog was lethargic and vomited regularly . These were taken as signs of an adverse reaction to fluoxetine , and the treatment was changed to sertraline . This drug was well tolerated and produced long-term improvements in the dog ' s behaviour .
Journal of Veterinary Behavior https :// doi . org / 10.1016 / j . jveb . 2023.06.002
Volume 38 ( 6 ) • December 2023