VNJ Volume 38 (5) October 2023 | Page 40

Assessment of learning
1 . The majority of FHT cases are caused by : ( a ) Subclinical chronic kidney disease ( b ) Benign adenoma or adenomatous hyperplasia ( c ) Malignant carcinoma ( d ) Old age
5 . ( c ) Dilute and disperse
4 . ( a ) Limiting time spent near the radioactive source
3 . ( b ) and ( c )
2 . ( c ) Beta particle emission is responsible for 90 % of abnormal thyroid tissue destruction
1 . ( b ) Benign adenoma or adenomatous hyperplasia
2 . Which of the following is true of RAIT ? ( a ) It is the only curative treatment option for FHT ( b ) It is not suitable for cats with comorbidities
( c ) Beta particle emission is responsible for 90 % of abnormal thyroid tissue destruction
( d ) It has a physical half-life of 1.5 – 4 days
3 . From the list below , identify two disadvantages of RAIT :
( a ) It requires a general anaesthetic to administer the treatment
( b ) The cat must undergo a period of isolation in hospital and restricted contact at home
( c ) ̴4 % of cats remain hyperthyroid and ̴2 % become hypothyroid after treatment
( d ) The treatment is carried out over several months
4 . One method of minimising radiation exposure in a RAIT setting is :
( a ) Limiting time spent near the radioactive source ( b ) Limiting contact with treated cats to 1 hour / day ( c ) Standing > 1 metre from treated cats at all times
( d ) Leaving cat litter and uneaten food to decay as much as possible before removing them from the cat ' s cage
5 . Washing contaminated food bowls in running water is an example of :
( a ) Concentrate and contain ( b ) Delay and decay ( c ) Dilute and disperse ( d ) A radiation spill
1 Carney HC , Ward CR , Bailey SJ , Bruyette D , Dennis S , Ferguson D , et al . 2016 AAFP guidelines for the management of feline hyperthyroidism . Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery . 2016 ; 18 ( 5 ): 400 – 416 . Available from : https :// doi . org / 10.1177 / 1098612X16643252 .
2 Yu L , Lacorcia L , Johnstone T . Hyperthyroid cats and their kidneys : a literature review . Australian Veterinary Journal . 2022 ; 100 ( 9 ): 415 – 432 . Available from : https :// www . doi . org / 10.1111 / avj . 13179 .
3 Peterson , M . Hyperthyroidism in cats : what ’ s causing this epidemic of thyroid disease and can we prevent it ? Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery . 2012 ; 14 : 804 – 818 . Available from : https :// www . doi . org / 10.1177 / 1098612X12464462 .
4 Caney S . Hyperthyroidism : role of the nurse or technician in diagnosis and management . Feline Focus . 2015 ; 1 ( 10 ): 339 – 347 .
5 Alonzi C , Peak K , Gower L , Walker DJ , Johnson B . Establishing levels of retained radioactivity in cats receiving radioactive iodine treatment . Vet Record . 2021 ; 198 ( 5 ): e196 . Available from : https :// doi . org / 10.1002 / vetr . 196 .
6 The Hyperthyroid Cat Clinic . Available from : https :// www . thehyperthyroidcatclinic . com . au [ Accessed 1 June 2023 ].
7 Khan S , Syed AT , Ahmad R , Rather TA , Ajaz M , Jan FA . Radioactive waste management in a hospital . International Journal of Health Sciences . 2010 ; 4 ( 1 ): 39 – 46 .
8 ANSTO Health . Product Information : Sodium Iodide [ 131 I ] Therapy Capsules . 2018 . Available from : https :// www . ansto . gov . au / media / 2188 / [ Accessed 1 June 2023 ].
9 International Commission on Radiological Protection ( ICRP ). Radiological Protection in Veterinary Practice . ICRP Publication 153 . Annals of the ICRP . 2022 ; 51 ( 4 ). Available from : https :// www . icrp . org / publication . asp ? id = ICRP + Publication + 153 [ Accessed 31 May 2023 ].
10 Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency . Recommendations for the Discharge of Patients Undergoing Treatment with Radioactive Substances . Radiation Protection Series No . 4 . 2002 . Available from : https :// www . arpansa . gov . au / regulation-andlicensing / regulatory-publications / radiation-protection-series / guides-and-recommendations / rps4 [ Accessed 1 June 2023 ].
Signposting to further related reading can be found at the end of Part 2 of this series .
40 Veterinary Nursing Journal