Volume 37, May 2022 | Page 7

addition to , not in lieu of , taking adequate time out and setting boundaries .
Finding your Zen is imperative , whether it ’ s through something as simple as gardening , meditation , art or baking , or via other approaches such as therapies . I find painting watercolours helpful and , as a mum , it ’ s great that I can also share this time with my daughter , who enjoys painting alongside me . Finding something that frees your mind and still fits into everyday life is the best approach , as you ’ re more likely to do it regularly . Recognising the need , and taking the time , for mental space is a useful for work , study and home .
In summary
difficult the profession is and how being emotionally invested in our patients makes us good at our jobs . Given that emotion is at the heart of the profession , we should be more comfortable talking about our feelings and encourage colleagues to do the same .
Develop self-help strategies
I know from personal experience just how helpful basic mindfulness can be in aiding good mental health . Mindfulness doesn ’ t have to be meditation or anything taxing – it can be practised almost anywhere and used ‘ in the moment ’ to ground yourself in chaotic situations . It can be as simple as pausing and breathing . In both my up and down states , I find breathing exercises , such as the 4-7-8 technique , tremendously helpful . I breathe in slowly for 4 seconds , hold my breath for 7 seconds and exhale slowly for 8 seconds . I repeat this for a few minutes until I feel more grounded and reset .
Another technique I recommend trying , particularly when you feel overstimulated , is to drink a glass of ice-cold water or a fizzy drink . I ’ ve been advised to do this when I feel the onset of panic or sensory overload . The theory is that the cold and fizz can interrupt your thoughts and prevent them from spiralling out of control , giving you the opportunity to ground yourself . Anyone who suffers from anxiety will appreciate that this can make a big difference . Even just taking 15 minutes to drink a hot drink without any distractions , so you can compose yourself , could be enough to get you through a tough day . However , it ’ s important to add that these self-help strategies should be used in
Practising and studying in such an intense profession , and with such emotional connotations , can be overwhelming . The job comes with great rewards in seeing patients grow and heal , but there is also a lot of heartbreak and sadness . Take each day as it comes and seek help as and when you need it . This help could be in the form of taking time for yourself , talking to your peers and / or tutors , or speaking to your GP about further support or medication . It ’ s vital to recognise the time you put into your work and studies , and to channel the same level of energy into looking after yourself .
Chronic mental health issues have affected my time in practice but I ’ m determined they won ’ t deter me from veterinary nursing . In fact , I think they ’ ve made me even more passionate about looking out for others in the profession . Whether you have a mental health disorder or not , the job will take its toll . It ’ s important we remember to take care of ourselves and others , as well as our patients .
Links to useful resources
www . nhs . uk / mental-health / www . vetlife . org . uk / www . vets-in-mind . org / www . mind . org . uk / workplace / www . mentalhealth . org . uk / publications /
VOL 37 • May 2022