Volume 37, May 2022 | Page 58

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Supplementary material – studies used for original literature review
Claridge , H ., Stone , K . & Ussher , M . ( 2018 ) The ethnicity attainment gap among medical and biomedical science students : a qualitative study . BMC Medical Education . 18 , 325 .
Dortch , D . & Patel , C . ( 2017 ) Black undergraduate women and their sense of belonging in STEM at predominantly white institutions . NASPA Journal About Women in Higher Education . 10 ( 2 ), 202 – 215 .
Greenhill , L . M . & Carmichael , K . P . ( 2014 ) Survey of college climate at all 28 US colleges and schools of veterinary medicine : preliminary findings . Journal of Veterinary Medical Education . 41 ( 2 ), 111 – 121 .
Miguel , S . F ., Burgess , W ., Davis , K . S ., Reed , D . & Adedokun , O . ( 2013 ) The impact of using a veterinary medicine activity book in the classroom on fifthand sixth-grade students ’ depictions of veterinarians . Journal of Veterinary Medical Education . 40 ( 4 ), 426 – 430 .
Mills , J ., Volet , S . & Fozdar , F . ( 2011 ) Cultural awareness in veterinary practice : student perceptions . Journal of Veterinary Medical Education . 38 ( 3 ), 288 – 297 .
Morrison , N ., Machado , M . & Blackburn , C . ( 2019 ) Student perspectives on barriers to performance for black and minority ethnic graduate-entry medical students : a qualitative study in a West Midlands medical school . BMJ Open . 9 ( 11 ), e03249 .
Price , J . ( 2010 ) The effect of instructor race and gender on student persistence in STEM fields . Economics of Education Review . 29 ( 6 ), 901 – 910 .
Strayhorn , T . L . ( 2009 ) The absence of African-American men in higher education and veterinary medicine . Journal of Veterinary Medical Education . 36 ( 4 ), 351 – 358 .
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