Volume 37, May 2022 | Page 50

Within student VNs ’ university experiences , increasing BAME numbers does not equal equity ( Dos Santos , 2020 ). However , well-managed , inclusive and diverse programmes can positively affect both minorities and majorities by enhancing problem-solving skills , active thinking , intellectual skills and motivation ( Alworth et al ., 2010 ). The rationale is to acknowledge the barriers that BAME students currently face in their educational environments , so tangible and effective recommendations can be made to uphold the veterinary profession ’ s legal ( Equality Act , 2010 ) and moral obligations . This also takes advantage of what a diverse population has to offer .
In summary , Part 1 has briefly identified some of the current issues that allow racism to continue in veterinary environments , such as a lack of formal RCVS policies , a clear minority of BAME individuals throughout the educational pathway and workplace , and a lack of support for BAME students . In Part 2 , the barriers identified and their possible solutions will be discussed , in addition to their limitations .
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50 Veterinary Nursing Journal