Volume 37, May 2022 | Page 39

Plus-Hex REFERRAL NURSING the oxygen dissociation curve ( Waddel & King , 2018 ). Haemoglobin is expected to be fully saturated at a PaO 2 between 60 and 70 mmHg ( Waddel & King , 2018 ). Animals with a normal lung function breathing room air typically have a PaO 2 five times greater than the inspired percentage concentration of oxygen ( Angel & Seymour , 2015 ). Therefore , a patient breathing room air (~ 21 % oxygen ) should have a PaO 2 of 100 mmHg , whereas a patient breathing 100 % oxygen when anaesthetised and intubated should have a PaO 2 of 500 mmHg ( Angel
& Seymour , 2015 ). A PaO 2 of less than 55 mmHg is immediately life threatening ( Farrell et al ., 2019 ).
Animals in severe respiratory distress are expected to have an increased respiratory rate and effort with hypoxaemia and hypocapnia with PaCO 2 values < 35 mmHg . However , in this patient there was a marked hypoxaemia ( PaO 2
34.3 mmHg ) and a relative hypercapnia ( PaCO 2 39.0 mmHg ).
PaCO 2 is the primary indicator for the ventilatory function of a patient . Elevations in PaCO 2 typically develop due to hypoventilation as the patient is breathing inefficiently with a reduced alveolar minute ventilation ( respiratory rate ( RR ) × tidal volume ( TV )) ( Hopper & Powell , 2013 ). It is important , however , to consider that in haemodynamically unstable patients ,
CO 2 will accumulate within the venous system due to low flow states and does not indicate an issue with ventilation ( Hopper & Powell , 2013 ). Hypoventilation may be due to multiple issues , either neurological , metabolic or respiratory in origin , and can indicate respiratory fatigue .
In this patient , it was determined the relatively high
PaCO 2 was a product of a reduced TV , as it has been shown that those with lung parenchymal disease have reduced compliance , which results in a lower TV ( Rozanski , 2015 ). In addition , due to the poor compliance of the lungs , the work of breathing is greatly elevated and consequently respiratory fatigue may develop , resulting in orthopnoea and appearance of fatigue , like that of the patient ( Hopper & Powell , 2013 ). To prevent this , mechanical ventilation was chosen as an intervention .
Further diagnostics
Diagnosis was based on history and clinical examination . Thoracic radiographs were taken at the referring veterinary practice and were not repeated on arrival . On reflection , thoracic ultrasound could have been used as it allows repeated assessment and is a noninvasive imaging method . Continuous ECG monitoring is necessary to monitor heart rate and the presence of dysrhythmias . However , in this case , the puppy was stressed and unwilling to allow ECG pads or clips to be placed .
Part 1 summary
There are numerous causes of non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema , therefore it is vital to gain a detailed history to guide differential diagnoses . Having an understanding of the pathophysiology can help to guide diagnostic tests such as radiography and blood gas analysis , which will further allow specific treatments to be instigated . Often these patients present dyspnoeic and , to prevent further deterioration , the team must work efficiently and quickly to triage the patient . A whole-team approach proved useful in Buddy ’ s case , where the veterinary nurses and interns assessed the patient while the veterinary clinician gained history and consent . The case study in Part 2 discusses the management of Buddy ’ s airway , including ventilation , oxygen therapy and the medications prescribed .
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VOL 37 • May 2022