Volume 37, May 2022 | Page 27

to produce melaena , the chances of survival reduce to 60 % ( Gorman , 2011 ). IMTP patients can be one of the most challenging but also rewarding cases to nurse . There is a lot that veterinary nurses can do to help keep the patient comfortable while reducing their injury risks in hospital . It is imperative to alert other staff members to what can and cannot be done with the patient during their stay , so their injury risk is reduced and they have more chance of recovering from this lifethreatening condition .
Figure 6 . Haematuria .
Feeding tubes in IMTP patients are usually avoided as existing trials have not evaluated the feasibility of either nasogastric or oesophageal tubes being placed – due to the contraindication of bleeding complications ( Patel et al ., 2016 ).
As a whole , it is important to handle IMTP patients very gently in all aspects of treatment and care , due to their risk of haemorrhage following the slightest bump or knock , which could cause them to have a spontaneous bleed . The patient ’ s vitals , such as heart rate and respiratory rate , should be monitored frequently . Documenting and monitoring the areas of localised bruising and petechiae on the patient should also be carried out , in order to monitor deterioration . This can be achieved either by carefully clipping the areas of bruising and marking with a pen , or by taking daily pictures . As the patient will be on a high dose of steroids , it is important to ensure they have free access to water and are able to reach this themselves . If not , offering them water frequently should be added to their hospital sheet . As the patient will be drinking more , they will need to toilet frequently so regular walks are necessary , along with absorbent bedding to reduce the risk of urine scalding . When walking , it is important to check their urine and note any abnormalities that may be present , such as haematuria ( Figure 6 ) or pigmenturia . A urine sample for laboratory testing and monitoring may also need to be collected . Another nursing consideration would be wearing appropriate personal protective equipment ( PPE ) when handling the patient , such as gloves and an apron , because they are likely to be on immunosuppressant treatment and will need reverse barrier nursing for their own protection . If the patient has received cytotoxic treatment then a fulllength apron and purple nitrile gloves will be sufficient .
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Overall , it is found that dogs diagnosed with IMTP can have a good recovery rate of around 75 – 85 % if caught early and treated accordingly . However , studies have shown that when the patient develops and starts
VOL 37 • May 2022