Volume 37, May 2022 | Page 21

into the oesophagus should be used for accurate measurement . A warm recovery kennel should be prepared . The patient should be able to return home the same evening .
Follow-up calls should be performed with the client to monitor the patient ’ s motions , as some studies have shown that a repeat FMT needs to be performed to fully stabilise the microbiome . Regular weight checks should be performed to ensure the patient is gaining weight and getting the correct nutrition .
Nicola Beaney , BVSc , MRCVS , and Rachel Marlow , BVM & S , BSAVA , PgC Small Animal Medicine , MRCVS , for Logan ’ s initial care . Elise Robertson , BVetMed , BS MACVSc , DipABVP FHEA , FRSB , FRCVS , and Sandhole Veterinary Centre for performing the transfusion .
Figure 4 . The FMT procedure .
performed , it is important to assist the client with an appropriate diet-change regime , and follow-up support if the diet trials are unsuccessful . In this case , Logan self-regulated his diarrhoea and dehydration by drinking more , but some cats may need additional support with intravenous fluid therapy .
FMT is not a common procedure , with little research available , so this may require discussion between the veterinary surgeon and the client , and other veterinary practices that have performed the procedure , to see if it is suitable for the case .
Dethlefsen , L ., Huse , S ., Sogin , M . L ., et al . ( 2008 ) The pervasive effects of an antibiotic on the human gut microbiota , as revealed by deep 16S rRNA sequencing . PLoS Biology . 6 ( 11 ), e280 .
Eiseman , B ., Silen , W ., Bascom , G . S ., et al . ( 1958 ) Faecal enema as an adjunct in the treatment of pseudomembranous enterocolitis . Surgery . 44 ( 5 ), 854 – 859 .
Furmanski , S . & Mor , T . ( 2017 ) First case report of faecal microbiota transplantation in a cat in Israel . Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine . 72 ( 3 ), 35 – 41 .
Gupta , S ., Allen-Vercoe , E . & Petrof , E . O . ( 2016 ) Faecal microbiota transplantation : in perspective . Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology . 9 ( 2 ), 229 – 239 .
Suchodolski , J . S . ( 2016 ) Diagnosis and interpretation of intestinal dysbiosis in dogs and cats . Veterinary Journal . 215 , 30 – 37 .
Suchodolski , J . S ., Dowd , S . E ., Westermarck , E ., et al . 2009 . The effect of the macrolide antibiotic tylosin on microbial diversity in the canine small intestine as demonstrated by massive parallel 16S rRNA gene sequencing . BMC Microbiology . 9 , 210 .
Collecting samples and sending them to external laboratories would fall to the veterinary nurse , and preparation and storage of these samples is important for accurate analysis . These procedures may differ according to the laboratory used , so should be checked beforehand in order to advise the client exactly how and when to collect the samples .
During the procedure , general anaesthetic monitoring will take place and appropriate set up and care of endoscopy equipment will be required . The sample will need to be prepared , and a patient enema performed to allow for appropriate visualisation of the gastrointestinal system . Temperature monitoring of the patient will be a high priority as an enema can reduce the body temperature rapidly . Temperature probes inserted
VOL 37 • May 2022