Volume 37, May 2022 | Page 11




All puppies and kittens deserve the best start in life , but did you know less than 30 % are being fed an appropriate diet for growth ? 1
Royal Canin have a range of nutritionally complete diets tailored to their specific needs which is vital for supporting healthy development and laying the foundation for a healthy future .
By recommending an appropriate growth diet , you can help ensure each puppy and kitten receives the correct nutrition for a healthy start in life .
Scan to find out more about Start of Life diets and download complimentary growth charts !
1 Up to 70 % of kittens and 50 % of puppies are fed with adult food POME study for UK and Germany ( Dec 2015 Nielsen homescan data ) © ROYAL CANIN ® SAS 2022 . All rights reserved .