VNJ Volume 39 (3) June 2024 | Page 64



8-28 July 2024 : Companion Animal Behaviour for General Practice Part 2
The aim of this course is to progress on from the foundations learned in part one - looking in more detail at practical aspects of behaviour
8 Hours CPD and training for the veterinary environment and
some more complex cases with more detail about diagnosis and behaviour modification . Aimed at vets and vet nurses . Delegates MUST have completed Part 1 for this course .
• Module 1 : Refresher on Learning Theory and Ethology : ( key points from Course 1 ) • Module 2 : Handling and examining animals in the surgery • Module 3 : Case studies illustrating medical problems influencing behaviour • Module 4 : Case studies that required adjunctive medication • Module 5 : Case studies illustrating the importance of appropriate referral
8-28 July 2024 : Psittacine and Passerine Birds
Nathalie Wissink-Argilaga LicVet CertAVP ( ZooMed ) DZooMed ( Reptilian ) MRCVS RCVS Recognised Specialist in Zoo and Wildlife Medicine . Sarah Pellett VetMB , Cert AVP ( ZooMed ), DZooMed ( Reptilian ), MRCVS RCVS Recognised
8 Hours CPD Specialist in Zoo and Wildlife Medicine . The aim of the online modular course is to discuss identification of the common ( and not so common birds ) seen in practice , husbandry of the most common species and safe handling of these avian patients ; hospitalisation ; supportive care , critical care and emergency treatments ; basic diagnostic approaches ; common diseases and treatment options and analgesia and anaesthesia . Clinical case challenges will be provided throughout the modular series . Aimed at vets and vet nurses .
• Module 1 : Identification and Husbandry • Module 2 : Handling and Examination • Module 3 : Diagnostics and Supportive Care
• Modules 4 : Anaesthesia and Surgery • Module 5 : Common issues and basic procedures • Module 6 : Common Diseases : nutritional associated diseases and gastrointestinal diseases
• Module 7 : Common Diseases : reproductive diseases , respiratory diseases , skin complaints and toxicity
8-28 July 2024 : Rabbit Clinical Care
Livia Benato DVM MSc CertZooMed Dip ECZM ( Small Mammals ) MRCVS

Tutored Online CPD Courses

£ 179
This course explores topics such as anaesthesia and peri-operative care , surgery ( neutering , urinary and GI tract surgery , abscess treatment , ear surgery , dentistry ), critical care and emergency
8 Hours CPD treatment , as well as the approach to care for geriatric patients . Clinical cases will be provided to help participants understand the concepts presented . Aimed at vets and vet nurses .
• Module 1 : A practical approach to the rabbit patient
• Module 2 : Anaesthesia and peri-operative care • Module 3 : Emergency and Critical Care • Module 4 : Common clinical presentations • Module 5 : Surgery • Module 6 : Geriatric Patients
£ 179 + VAT
£ 179 + VAT
8-28 July 2024 : Emergencies in Toxicology
Susanna Solbak Cand . med . vet DipACVECC MRCVS
Toxin exposures are common small animal emergencies . Focus will be on having a systematic approach to general toxin exposures ,
8 Hours CPD in addition to taking a closer look on the most common toxins encountered in small animal medicine . Since virtually anything can be a toxin , depending on the dose ( even water !), this course includes a huge variety of conditions caused by many different toxins . Anything from ethylene glycol to chocolate toxicity , and how to deal with non-steroidal overdose will be discussed . Join this course and increase your confidence in dealing with toxicologic emergencies ! Aimed at vets and vet nurses .
• Module 1 : How to approach any toxicological emergency
• Module 2 : Antidotes in toxicology • Module 3 : Tremorgenic toxins • Module 4 : Hepatotoxins • Module 5 : Renal toxins
• Module 6 : Cardiotoxins • Module 7 : Illicit Drugs
8-28 July 2024 : Common Cancers in Cats
Dr Chiara Penzo DVM PhD Dip . ECVIM ( Oncology ) MRCVS European Veterinary Specialist in Oncology . RCVS Veterinary Specialist in Oncology .
Common cancers in cats show important
8 Hours CPD differences in presentation , prognosis and treatment with dogs . This course will prepare you for feline owners ’ increasing demand of cancer treatment by offering a bench-to- bedside guide to the most common types of cancers in cats and challenge you to solve real life clinical cases . Aimed at vets and Vet Nurses .
• Module 1 : Feline Oncology – why cats are not small dogs • Module 2 : Feline Alimentary Lymphoma • Module 3 : Mammary Tumours in Cats – beyond surgery • Module 4 : Feline Injection Site Sarcomas
• Module 5 : Feline Oral Tumours – what ’ s possible and reasonable
• Module 6 : Skin Cancer and Cutaneous Paraneoplastic Syndromes
• Module 7 : – Feline Mast Cell Tumours – beyond the skin
9-29 September 2024 :
• High Risk Anaesthesia in General Practice - Denise Prisk
• Companion Animal Behaviour – Part 1 - Clare Wilson
• Companion Animal Behaviour – Part 3 - Clare Wilson
• Advances in Canine Dermatology - Dr Anita Patel
• Advances in Feline Dermatology - Dr Anita Patel
• Abdominal Imaging in Dogs and Cats - Andrew Denning
• Thoracic Radiology in Dogs and Cats - Andrew Denning
• Emergency and Critical Care : Vets – Part 1 - Susanna Solbak
• Small Animal Infectious Diseases - Dr Emi Barker
• Step up your Microscopy - Francesco Cian and Lucia Sanchini
• Managing Common Fractures - Philip Witte
• Head and Neck Surgery - Alasdair Hotston Moore
• Haematology of the Dog and Cat - Francesco Cian and Paola Monti
• Oncology Refresher – Part 1 - Dr Chiara Penzo
£ 179 + VAT
£ 179 + VAT