VNJ Volume 39 (3) June 2024 | Page 62



10-30 June 2024 : Hepatobiliary disease in cats and dogs
Dr Kit Sturgess MA VetMB PhD CertVR DSAM CertVC FRCVS . RCVS Recognised Specialist in Small Animal Medicine . Advanced Practitioner in Veterinary Cardiology .
This course is designed to address the most
8 Hours CPD common presentations of hepatobiliary disease in small animal practice providing a clear and consistent approach that can be modified to suit individual client and patient needs . Aimed at vets and nurses .
• Module 1 : Investigation of hepatobiliary disease with particular focus on interpretation of liver enzymes and ultrasound images .
• Module 2 : Restoring the hepatobiliary system to health - principals of the treatment based on anatomy and function . • Module 3 : Approach to the common presentations of liver disease including jaundice , ascites and raised liver enzymes . • Module 4 : Management of emergency cases . • Module 5 : Canine inflammatory / infectious hepatobiliary disease . • Module 6 : Feline inflammatory / infectious hepatobiliary disease . • Module 7 : Approach to the diagnosis and management of liver masses and neoplasia . • Module 8 : Vascular abnormalities of the liver . • Module 9 : What next when the hepatobiliary system reflects disease elsewhere ?

Tutored Online CPD Courses

£ 179
10-30 June 2024 : Canine and Feline Lymphoma
NEW FOR 2024 !
8 Hours CPD
Dr Chiara Penzo DVM PhD Dip . ECVIM ( Oncology ) MRCVS . European Veterinary Specialist in Oncology . RCVS Veterinary Specialist in Oncology .
Lymphoma is a frequent diagnosis in practice in both dogs and cats . While nodal lymphoma is most prevalent among dogs , in cats it can have a range of presentations that poses a diagnostic and treatment dilemma to the clinician . Lymphoma can present in many different forms , and the clinician should be alert to the possibility of this condition in any cat regardless of age , breed or viral status . The course is meant to be practical guide to the diagnosis and management of canine and feline lymphoma . You will learn what are the most indicated diagnostic and clinical staging tests including indications and interpretation of flow cytometry and PARR tests . You will receive an update about the most current induction and rescue treatment options that may be available both in general and referral practice . Communicating the evidence to the owner in a positive , knowledgeable and compassionate way and presenting a fair and realistic overview of what is to be expected is very important and necessary to achieve an informed consent and owner involvement in decision making .
• Module 1 : Diagnosis of canine lymphoma • Module 2 : Clinical staging of canine lymphoma • Module 3 : Therapy of canine lymphoma : induction protocols • Module 4 : Therapy of canine lymphoma : rescue protocols • Module 5 : Extranodal forms of canine lymphoma • Module 6 : Feline Lymphoma – Introduction and Feline Alimentary lymphoma • Module 7 . Other Forms of Feline lymphoma
£ 179 + VAT
10-30 June 2024 : Cytology of the Lymphoid System
Francesco Cian , DVM , DipECVCP , FRCPath , MRCVS , European Specialist in Veterinary Clinical Pathology . Paola Monti DVM , DipACVP ( Clinical Pathology ), FRCPath , MRCVS , RCVS Specialist in Veterinary
8 Hours CPD Clinical Pathology .
This course will give you the basics you need for interpretation of the most common conditions affecting the lymphoid organs ( mostly lymph nodes ), with a special attention to the diagnostic approach to lymphoma in both dogs and cats . Participants will develop a logic approach to interpretation of cytological samples from lymphoid organs . Clinical case challenges and diagnostic algorithms will also be provided to help your understanding of the concepts presented . Aimed at vets .
• Module 1 : Sampling techniques , slide staining and submission of cytological samples from lymphoid organs to external laboratories
• Module 2 : Cytology of the normal lymph node , inflammatory and hyperplastic conditions • Modules 3-4 : Diagnostic approach to lymphoma ( overview , cytology , additional diagnostic techniques ) • Module 5 : Cytology of metastatic neoplasms • Module 6 : Cytology of other lymphoid organs • Module 7 Cytology cases
10-30 June 2024 : Epilepsy in Cats and Dogs
Raquel Trevail DVM , Dipl ECVN , MRCVS , European Specialist in Veterinary Neurology
10-30 June 2024 : Cutaneous Mast Cell Tumours in the Dog
Dr Chiara Penzo DVM PhD Dip . ECVIM ( Oncology ) MRCVS European Veterinary Specialist in Oncology . RCVS Veterinary Specialist in Oncology .
£ 179
Epilepsy is a common neurological presentation in general practice . Correct diagnosis of epilepsy in cats and dogs can be challenging and this
8 Hours CPD is paramount for management of the case and
owner ’ s expectations . In this course we will discuss the different pathologies that can be misinterpreted as seizure activity and how to try to collect the right information in order to lead the investigations . Epilepsy aetiologies and treatment , which include drugs available and recent developments will be discussed in depth , as well as emergency treatment in cases of cluster seizures and status epilepticus . Aimed at vets and vet nurses .
Mast cell tumours ( MCTs ) represent the most
8 Hours CPD common cutaneous neoplasia in dogs . MCTs can
be very aggressive requiring additional treatment after surgery . This online course offers practical answers to the most frequent challenges encountered in their clinical management . Aimed at vets .
• Module 1 : Clinical presentation , effective diagnosis & clinical staging • Module 2 : Prognostic Factors and the Treatment Algorithm • Module 3 : Conventional Chemotherapy and New Treatments * • Modules 4-8 : Challenging Clinical Cases
* includes information on Masitinib , Toceranib , Electrochemotherapy & Tiganol tiglate )
£ 179 + VAT
£ 179 + VAT