VNJ Volume 39 (3) June 2024 | Page 52

You will encounter challenges as a clinical coach ; having the confidence to deal with each challenge is the first step in overcoming it . Be prepared for the training criteria to change during your time as a clinical coach , as different colleges and universities will have slightly different requirements for their students . Some training centres will have strict criteria that they expect clinical coaches to follow , while others allow them more freedom , but all aim to provide clinical coaches with the help needed to confidently overcome any challenges and support the students under their supervision .
Supporting a student in practice
Protected learning sessions
In the past year , my practice has started dedicating time in the rota for ‘ protected learning sessions ’. These sessions are set aside on a bi-weekly basis for the clinical coach to spend with their student . This scheduled time helps to better align the student ' s and supervisor ' s goals and allows for consistent review of the SVN ' s progress . We have found this helps to motivate the student , as there is a deadline in place , and it ensures progress is steady . It also gives the student an opportunity to raise concerns to their clinical coach in a private setting , so they can be swiftly addressed .
If any training tasks or reviews are completed before this session and there is nothing to cover in the allotted time , the student can catch up with logging cases , self-reflection or exam / OSCE revision . We found this helped to reduce burnout and overall stress levels in our students . This was reflected in their work and their respect for the team and the workplace , as the students felt their needs were being met by the practice .
Setting realistic goals
Goal setting is a well-adopted method for students to progress , but if the goals are not realistic , and are therefore unachievable , then there is a risk that the student will become demotivated . Goals need to be achievable , with a list of criteria that enable the student to visualise what they need to do to reach their targets . This can help their training feel more manageable .
Tackling the hard stuff first
Encourage students to identify the biggest tasks they have to undertake , then start with those . It can be tempting to work on the smaller and easier tasks first in order to see progress , but avoiding the bigger tasks can make them feel even larger . Finishing the hardest task first can release stress and provide a sense of achievement that aids motivation to complete the remaining tasks . This approach can also apply to revision . Sometimes students start by revising topics they are comfortable with and put off more complex topics until the last minute , which can increase stress .
Mental health support
A mental health first aider can be helpful to any member of the practice team , including SVNs , who may want support or signposting to mental health resources , or who may need to confide in someone other than their clinical coach . Studying to become an RVN is hard , and it is often during training that VNs first experience grief , traumatic cases and confrontation with clients . It is therefore important to signpost SVNs towards support should they need it , through the workplace , their university or college , or a charity . Adopting a noblame culture helps to promote open communication in a practice and allows SVNs to express any concerns . Encouraging a healthy working environment will improve the mental health of the whole team .
Clinical coaching is a rewarding experience and can provide opportunities for career progression . It is important to tailor your coaching approach to each student and their learning style , so you and the student can gain the most from the experience .
1 Horsburgh J , Ippolito K . A skill to be worked at : using social learning theory to explore the process of learning from role models in clinical settings . BMC Medical Education . 2018 ; 18 : 156 . Available from : https :// doi . org / 10.1186 / s12909-018-1251-x .
2 Krakauer JW , Hadjiosif AM , Xu J , Wong AL , Haith AM . Motor learning . Comprehensive Physiology . 2019 ; 9 ( 2 ): 613 – 663 . Available from : https :// doi . org / 10.1002 / cphy . c170043 .
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