VNJ Volume 38 (6) December 2023 | Page 23

ABSTRACT This research project aimed to investigate the factors affecting owner awareness of osteoarthritis ( OA ) in cats , and whether those factors influenced cats being taken to veterinary practices .
The study used voluntary response sampling in the form of an online questionnaire for cat owners . This questionnaire was designed to gain an understanding of owners ' awareness of OA in cats , and what factors affected this awareness .
The results revealed that many owners are aware of OA as a disease , but do not recognise the clinical signs of OA in cats specifically . The project also found that owner awareness of OA does not affect whether cats are taken to veterinary practices . Owners are instead more likely to notice cats displaying abnormal behaviour , and will then decide to visit a veterinary practice .
In conclusion , this research project indicates that awareness of OA in cats is lacking and more research is needed to discover why this is the case .
Keywords feline , osteoarthritis , cats , OA , arthritis
Osteoarthritis ( OA ) is a common cause of chronic pain in geriatric cats [ 1 ] . In cases of untreated OA , the pain associated with the disease can cause disability [ 2 ] , which will negatively affect the cat ' s physical health and quality of life [ 3 ] . As a result , unrecognised ( and therefore untreated ) OA can lead to euthanasia [ 4 ] .
It is important for veterinary professionals to prevent pain and suffering [ 5 ] , so minimising the effects of OA is a priority . Much of the literature focuses on the pathogenesis of OA , risk factors and treatment , in addition to the impact of pain on the diagnosed patient ' s daily lifestyle [ 6 ] .
Although this research has established a baseline understanding for veterinary professionals on how to recognise and support OA patients once they have been diagnosed , it is also essential that cat owners recognise the clinical signs of OA in their pets , so they can be brought to the veterinary practice sooner .
Owners are instrumental in the diagnosis of OA [ 7 ] as they are responsible for bringing their cats into the practice when they notice changes in their pet ' s behaviour . If owners are not aware of OA in cats , subtle clinical signs are not recognised and subsequent diagnosis and treatment for this condition does not occur [ 8 ] or is delayed . This was noted by Belshaw et al . [ 9 ] in their study exploring owner awareness of OA in dogs ; clinical signs were not recognised , despite the disease having a negative impact on both the dogs ' and the owners ' lives .
Unfortunately , recognising clinical signs in cats is difficult [ 10 ] ; signs may go unnoticed by the owner or they may attribute them to ‘ old age ’. As diagnosing OA is heavily reliant on owners recognising the clinical signs , it is important to determine the factors affecting owner awareness of OA and to establish how best to educate owners about this disease .
The study aimed to assess the factors affecting owner awareness of OA in cats and if this awareness influences whether they take their cat to a veterinary practice when it shows clinical signs .
• To determine the level of owner awareness of the signs of OA .
• To determine the factors affecting owner awareness of OA .
• To determine if owner awareness is related to whether cats are taken to veterinary practices .
1 . Owners of older cats are more likely to have a higher awareness of OA .
2 . Owners of cats diagnosed with OA have a higher awareness of OA .
3 . Owners who have previous knowledge of OA in cats have a higher awareness of OA .
4 . Owners who have a higher knowledge of OA as a disease in general have a higher awareness of OA in cats .
5 . Owners of cats who get information regarding their cat ' s health and behaviour from veterinary practices have a higher awareness of OA .
6 . Cats that are taken to veterinary practices more frequently have owners with a higher awareness of OA .
Materials and methods
An online questionnaire was used , divided into three sections , and comprising nine questions ( six closed , three open ). This was piloted with veterinary
Volume 38 ( 6 ) • December 2023