VNJ Volume 38 (5) October 2023 | Page 9

Many risks are specific to individual workplaces – heavy manufacturing , for example , poses risks that are unlikely to exist in an office – but risks to health and safety exist in all workplaces . Veterinary practices carry particular risks over and above those found in most workplaces .
Risks relevant to veterinary practices
• Animal-inflicted injuries ( e . g . bites and scratches )
• Exposure to zoonotic diseases
• Exposure to chemicals and X-rays
• Cuts and infections
• Trips , slips and falls
• Injury resulting from heavy lifting
• Exposure to hazardous waste
• Demands of shift work and the emotional stress related to the care of animals .
Biological safety is a high priority in veterinary practice , including minimising the risk of exposure to zoonoses ( infectious diseases that spread between species , such as from animals to humans ). Possible routes of transmission include aerosol , droplets , ingestion ( oral ), direct contact , indirect contact ( e . g . fomite ) or vector-borne . Sources of exposure include animals , body fluids , contaminated tools , surfaces and other objects in the environment .
Veterinary professionals are also at risk of stress , anxiety and depression specifically relating to the care of animals , as a result of supporting distressed clients , euthanasia of pets , heavy workloads and shift work . Additionally , they can be exposed to risks associated with handling drugs , working with anaesthetic gases and using X-ray equipment .
Responding to an accident
Employers should investigate all accidents in the workplace and keep a record of the details . Many employers use a dedicated ‘ accident book ’ for this purpose . An accident book is a legislative requirement when a business has 10 or more employees but it is good practice for all workplaces to have one .
The Reporting of Injuries , Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 ( known as RIDDOR ) make it a duty to record all accidents that result in a worker being incapacitated for more than three consecutive days , or a member of the public requiring hospital treatment . Accidents that result in death or severe injury must also be reported to the Health and Safety Executive ( HSE ) within 15 days .
In addition to the record in the accident book and / or RIDDOR report , it is advisable for both the injured party and the employer to gather additional details , notes and evidence , such as photos , witness statements and a doctor ' s report . Receipts should also be kept for any expenses incurred as a result of the accident .
If an employer has been negligent and has not prevented an avoidable accident , it can be said to have failed in its duty of care . If an employee has been injured , they may be able to make a claim for compensation . They will be required to show that they were an employee , that the employer breached its duty of care and that this breach caused their injury .
A claim must be made within 3 years of the injury . Claims are determined under two categories : general damages ( pain and distress ) and special damages ( e . g . loss of pay , care fees , medical expenses , travel expenses and home adaptations ).
Several legal firms specialise in supporting employees with such claims , details of which can be found on the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers ( APIL ) website . Legal action can be expensive but it may be covered by a household or personal insurance policy , or a legal firm may handle the case on a ‘ no win , no fee ’ basis .
Employers are legally required to have employers ' liability insurance , with proof of this displayed in the workplace . If an investigation finds that an employer has been negligent and a successful claim is made by an employee , the insurer will expect the employer to implement measures to prevent a similar accident .
It is worth noting that determining who is ‘ at fault ’ for causing an accident can be a complex process , which is often accompanied by distress and worry for all parties . It is far better that individual responsibilities are understood and a cooperative approach is taken to mitigate risks and prevent accidents from happening in the workplace .
Useful resources
Health and Safety Executive ( HSE ) https :// www . hse . gov . uk
Association of Personal Injury Lawyers ( APIL ) https :// www . apil . org . uk
For advice about this or any other employment matter , please contact advisoryservice @ bvna . co . uk .
Volume 38 ( 5 ) • October 2023