VNJ Volume 38 (5) October 2023 | Page 64



6-26 November 2023 : Small Animal Oncology Refresher - Part 3
Dr Chiara Penzo DVM PhD Dip . ECVIM ( Oncology ) MRCVS . European
NEW FOR 2023 !
8 Hours CPD

Tutored Online CPD Courses

Veterinary Specialist in Oncology . RCVS Veterinary Specialist in Oncology .
£ 169 + VAT
Cancer is commonly diagnosed in pets in general practice . Thanks to tremendous advances in the treatment of small animal cancer you can help pets to continue to spend more good quality time with their families despite their diagnosis of a potentially life shortening disease . This course will review cancer risk factors , principles of cancer therapy and owner FAQs about cancer treatment and prognosis . The course will then cover six of canine and feline cancer types that often present challenges in their management with a practical approach and tips to their diagnosis and treatment . The Courses Part 1 , 2 & 3 Small Animal Oncology Refresher can be taken individually and in any order . Aimed at vets and vet nurses .
6-26 November 2023 : Emergency and Critical Care for Vets - Part 2
Susanna Solbak Cand . med . vet DipACVECC MRCVS
6-26 November 2023 : Anaemia in Cats and Dogs
Dr Kit Sturgess MA , VetMB , PhD , CertVR , DSAM , CertVC , FRCVS RCVS
£ 169 + VAT
This comprehensive course in two separate parts ( Part 1 and Part 2 ) will provide you with an updated approach to the most common
8 Hours CPD emergencies encountered in Small Animal Practice . The modules are suitable for experienced practitioners looking to update their knowledge , but also newly graduated veterinarians seeking guidance in an intimidating field of veterinary medicine . Improve your confidence and skills in caring for those emergency patients ! Aimed at vets and vet nurses .
£ 169
Recognised Specialist in Small Animal Medicine Advanced Practitioner in Veterinary Cardiology
The presentations of anaemia in cats and dogs
8 Hours CPD in general practice is highly variable , from
severe life threatening emergencies requiring rapid , effective decision making on an approach to diagnosis and treatment , to chronic progressive disease that can have subtle clinical disease and needs a logical and potential cost-conscious approach to an apparently incidental finding on routine blood work . Cases can be challenging to investigate and treatment highly variable from aggressive intervention sometimes before a diagnosis is achieved to chronic , often long term management and support requiring good communication and clear explanation for the owner . Cats and dogs have significant differences in almost all aspects of anaemia from their laboratory tests to disease types and prevalence . Aimed at vets and vet nurses .
6-26 Nov 2023 : Canine and Feline Neurology
Raquel Trevail DVM , Dipl ECVN , MRCVS , European Specialist in Veterinary Neurology
Neurology is generally seen as an intimidating subject . The ability to reach a diagnosis relies on a good neurological examination and its correct
8 Hours CPD interpretation . The aim of this course is to make
the neurological examination easier and discuss how to reach a neuroanatomical localisation . Different diagnostic tools that can aid reaching a final diagnosis will be discussed and there will be an overview of the most common disease processes found in dogs and cats . Aimed at vets and vet nurses .
6-26 Nov 2023 : Epilepsy in Cats and Dogs
Raquel Trevail DVM , Dipl ECVN , MRCVS , European Specialist in Veterinary Neurology
6-26 Nov 2023 : Small Mammal Medicine / Surgery
Livia Benato DVM MSc CertZooMed Dip ECZM ( Small Mammals ) MRCVS
Small mammal pets are growing in popularity in the UK and other countries , and they are increasingly seen in companion animal
8 Hours CPD practice . In this course , common medical and surgical presentations seen in guinea pigs , chinchillas , rats and hamsters will be discussed . Dental disease in hystricomorphs and myomorphs , surgical approach to mammary tumours in rats and how to treat possible parasite infections are some of the topics that will be covered . Aimed at vets and vet nurses .
£ 169
Epilepsy is a common neurological presentation in general practice . Correct diagnosis of epilepsy in cats and dogs can be challenging and this
8 Hours CPD is paramount for management of the case and
owner ’ s expectations . In this course we will discuss the different pathologies that can be misinterpreted as seizure activity and how to try to collect the right information in order to lead the investigations . Epilepsy aetiologies and treatment , which include drugs available and recent developments will be discussed in depth , as well as emergency treatment in cases of cluster seizures and status epilepticus . Aimed at vets and vet nurses .
6-26 Nov 2023 : Cytology of the Internal Organs
Francesco Cian , DVM , DipECVCP , FRCPath , MRCVS , European Specialist in Veterinary Clinical Pathology .
£ 169
This comprehensive course will give you all the information you need to know for the
8 Hours CPD cytological examination of the most common changes affecting internal organs in dogs and cats , with particular attention to neoplastic lesions . The organs that will be covered include the thoracic district and the abdominal cavity . Clinical case challenges and diagnostic algorithms will also be provided to help you understand the concepts presented and to consolidate your knowledge regarding the cytology of the internal organs . This course is mainly targeted to veterinarians or vet students interested in learning more about the cytology of the internal organs .
£ 169 + VAT
£ 169 + VAT