VNJ Volume 38 (5) October 2023 | Page 62


NEW FOR 2023 !


9-29 October 2023 : Head and Neck Surgery
8 Hours CPD

Tutored Online CPD Courses

Alasdair Hotston Moore MA VetMB CertSAC CertVR CertSAS CertMedEd FRCVS
This course is aimed at all small animal practitioners who are developing their skills in surgery beyond the common procedures in first opinion practice , or have some experience of
more advanced procedures and want to check on how they might be performed more efficiently . It will also be of interest to those not planning to do these procedures , but wishing to know more so they can offer their clients an insight into what is possible , and what the outcomes might be . Aimed at vets and vet nurses .
£ 169 + VAT
9-29 October 2023 : Managing Common Fractures
Philip Witte BSc BVSc CertAVP ( GSAS ) DSAS ( Orth ) MRCVS . RCVS Specialist in Small Animal Surgery ( Orthopaedics )
£ 169
This course aims firstly to discuss current understanding of the biological and mechanical
8 Hours CPD requirements for optimal fracture healing and secondly to relate these requirements to an up-to-date approach to management of canine and feline fractures . Cases will be presented to demonstrate how the approach to fracture fixation can influence healing and the rate of post operative complications . Aimed at vets and nurses .
9-29 October 2023 : Emergency and Critical Care for Vets - Part 1
Susanna Solbak Cand . med . vet DipACVECC MRCVS This comprehensive course will provide you with an updated approach to the most common emergencies encountered in Small
8 Hours CPD Animal Practice . The modules are suitable for experienced practitioners looking to update their knowledge , but also newly graduated veterinarians seeking guidance in an intimidating field of veterinary medicine . Improve your confidence and skills in caring for those emergency patients ! Aimed at vets and vet nurses .
9-29 October 2023 : Skin Cytology
Francesco Cian , DVM , DipECVCP , FRCPath , MRCVS . European Specialist in Veterinary Clinical Pathology .
£ 169
9-29 October 2023 : Endocrinology Refresher
Dr Kit Sturgess MA VetMB PhD CertVR DSAM CertVC FRCVS . RCVS Recognised Specialist in Small Animal Medicine . Advanced Practitioner in Veterinary Cardiology .
This is aimed to be a refresher course
8 Hours CPD focussing on common endocrine diseases .
Each module will provide a short overview of pathophysiology and then highlight presentation , diagnosis and treatment options including managing poorly responsive patient . Endocrine diseases are lifelong problems for the patient and owner that need a whole team approach to management hence the course is designed to support both vets and vet nurses .
£ 169
This comprehensive course will give you the basics you need for in house cytology from
8 Hours CPD sampling techniques , to slide examination approach , culminating in the cytological presentation of the most common inflammatory and neoplastic conditions affecting small animals . Cytology case challenges and diagnostic algorithms will also be provided to help you understand the concepts presented and to consolidate your knowledge . Aimed at vets and vet nurses .
£ 169 + VAT
9-29 October 2023 : Safe Use of Chemotherapy in Practice
Dr Chiara Penzo DVM PhD Dip . ECVIM ( Oncology ) MRCVS European Veterinary Specialist in Oncology . RCVS Veterinary Specialist in Oncology . Knowledge of the indications and administration
8 Hours CPD techniques of chemotherapy agents used in the treatment of cancer in pets is of paramount importance to achieve the best outcome in terms of survival and quality of life by avoiding ineffective treatments and preventing significant adverse effects . This course is a practical guide to the safe dosing , preparation and administration in general practice of the most commonly used chemotherapy drugs for the treatment of cancer in small animals and their monitoring . Concentrating on the most commonly used chemotherapy protocols for the treatment of lymphoma and solid tumours such as carcinomas , sarcomas and mast cell tumours , while receiving an update on new medications and techniques available for your patients such as electrochemotherapy , metronomic chemotherapy , tyrosine kinase inhibitors and immunotherapy ! Aimed at vets and nurses .
9-29 October 2023 : Oncology Refresher - Part 2 Dr Chiara Penzo DVM PhD Dip . ECVIM ( Oncology ) MRCVS . European Veterinary Specialist in Oncology . RCVS Veterinary Specialist in Oncology .
Cancer is commonly diagnosed in pets in general
8 Hours CPD practice . Thanks to tremendous advances in the treatment of small animal cancer you can help pets to continue to spend more good quality time with their families despite their diagnosis of a potentially life shortening disease . Part 2 of this series starts by shedding light on common misconceptions about cancer that may negatively affect cancer care delivery ; common queries about the causes of cancer are also covered . Followed by a practical overview of the use of electrochemotherapy . The course will then cover five of the most common canine and feline cancer types with a practical approach to their diagnosis and current treatment including both curative intent and palliative cost-effective options . Aimed at vets and Vet Nurses .
£ 169 + VAT
£ 169 + VAT