VNJ Volume 38 (5) October 2023 | Page 46

5 . Advice to clients regarding the immediate post-discharge period should include :
( a ) Minimise direct contact ( cuddling , sitting on lap ) with the cat
( b ) Do not allow the cat to sleep in the same room as humans
( c ) Safe handling of contaminated waste
( d ) All of the above
5 . ( d ) All of the above
4 . ( a ) and ( c )
3 . ( b ) TT4 , time since diagnosis , presence / absence of thyroid carcinoma , response to previous treatment
2 . ( d ) A full blood panel , TT4 , SDMA and full urinalysis
1 . ( a ) A cat with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
1 Carney HC , Ward CR , Bailey SJ , Bruyette D , Dennis S , Ferguson D , et al . 2016 AAFP guidelines for the management of feline hyperthyroidism . Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery . 2016 ; 18 ( 5 ): 400 – 416 . Available from : https :// doi . org / 10.1177 / 1098612X16643252 .
2 Alonzi C , Peak K , Gower L , Walker DJ , Johnson B . Establishing levels of retained radioactivity in cats receiving radioactive iodine treatment . Vet Record . 2021 ; 198 ( 5 ): e196 . Available from : https :// doi . org / 10.1002 / vetr . 196 .
3 The Hyperthyroid Cat Clinic . Available from : https :// www . thehyperthyroidcatclinic . com . au [ Accessed 1 June 2023 ].
4 Hibbert A , Gruffydd-Jones T , Barrett EL , Day MJ , Harvey AM . Feline thyroid carcinoma : diagnosis and response to high-dose radioactive iodine treatment . Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery . 2009 ; 11 ( 2 ): 116 – 124 . Available from : https :// www . doi . org / 10.1016 / j . jfms . 2008.02.010 .
5 Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency . Recommendations for the Discharge of Patients Undergoing Treatment with Radioactive Substances . Radiation Protection Series No . 4 . 2002 . Available from : https :// www . arpansa . gov . au / regulation-andlicensing / regulatory-publications / radiation-protection-series / guides-and-recommendations / rps4 [ Accessed 1 June 2023 ].
Further reading
1 The Hyperthyroid Cat Clinic . Fact sheet for owners . Available from : https :// thehyperthyroidcatclinic . com . au / for-cat-owners [ Accessed 5 June 2023 ].
2 International Atomic Energy Agency . Radiation Protection and Safety in Veterinary Medicine . Safety Reports Series No . 104 . 2021 . Available from : https :// www . iaea . org / publications / 13481 / radiationprotection-and-safety-in-veterinary-medicine [ Accessed 18 August 2023 ].
3 Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency . Radiation Protection in Veterinary Medicine . Code of Practice and Safety Guide . Radiation Protection Series No . 17 . 2009 . Available from : https :// www . arpansa . gov . au / sites / default / files / legacy / pubs / rps / rps17 . pdf [ Accessed 18 August 2023 ].
4 British Veterinary Association . Ionising Radiations Guide . 3rd ed . 2019 . Available from : https :// www . bva . co . uk / resources-support / practice-management / ionising-radiations-guide / [ Accessed 18 August 2023 ].
5 Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland . Code of Practice for Radiation Protection in Veterinary Medicine . RPII-02 / 3 . 2002 . Available from : https :// inis . iaea . org / collection / NCLCollectionStore /_ Public / 35 / 068 / 35068432 . pdf [ Accessed 18 August 2023 ].
6 Southern Scientific . Effective decontamination of radionuclides with Bind-It™ decontamination fluid . Available from : https :// www . southernscientific . co . uk / news / 2023 / 03 / effectivedecontamination-of-radionuclides-with-bind-it-tmdecontamination-fluid [ Accessed 18 August 2023 ]
7 Druce K . Feline hyperthyroidism . Part 1 : Diagnosis . Veterinary Nursing Journal . 2015 ; 30 ( 8 ): 229 – 231 . Available from : https :// doi . org / 10.1080 / 17415349.2015.1047813 .
8 Druce K . Feline hyperthyroidism . Part 2 : Treatment . Veterinary Nursing Journal . 2015 ; 30 ( 9 ): 259 – 262 . Available from : https :// doi . org / 10.1080 / 17415349.2015.1062348 .
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