VNJ Volume 38 (5) October 2023 | Page 35

Currently , very little is known about African pygmy hedgehogs , so there is no science-backed food specifically for the species . Most food , such as wild hedgehog food , tends to be extremely high in fat and fillers , which are likely to promote obesity and DM . Therefore , it is recommended that African pygmy hedgehogs are fed a blend of three or four different types of high-quality dry cat kibble , mixed together . The kibble needs to be high in protein and low in fat to be appropriate for African pygmy hedgehogs . Pet African pygmy hedgehogs should be fed a diet containing 28 – 35 % protein and 12 – 15 % fat [ 8 ] .
Scatter feeding promotes hedgehogs ' natural instincts to forage , while also encouraging exercise to help prevent / reduce obesity . Pet hedgehogs are prone to obesity as they are not as active as wild hedgehogs , which have to hunt for their food , so insects , fruit and vegetables should be given only as treats . Obese hedgehogs may avoid exercise , and their subsequent weight gain can cause liver issues as well as DM .
Associated conditions
Mable was very prone to secondary illnesses associated with DM . The most commonly occurring conditions were urinary tract infections , gingivitis and upper respiratory infections . As with a human diabetic patient , excess sugar in the urine of a diabetic African pygmy hedgehog increases the risk of urinary tract infections . It is therefore important to collect urine samples frequently to test for bacterial infections . Cultures are recommended , as the specific bacteria can then be targeted , but a dipstick may also be used .
There is little specific advice available on preventing DM in African pygmy hedgehogs , but advice on the condition generally recommends that the body condition of an animal should be kept as close to ideal as possible . The ideal weight for African pygmy hedgehogs varies between the sexes – males should be 400 – 600 g and females 250 – 400 g [ 9 ] . African pygmy hedgehogs must be able to completely roll up into a ball . If they are unable to do this , they are considered obese .
There is very little literature on DM in African pygmy hedgehogs , but from the information available it can be concluded that the disease can be managed using similar methods to those used in dogs and cats . DM is a debilitating disease if left untreated but , if diagnosed early and properly managed , a stable diabetic African pygmy hedgehog can enjoy a long life .
1 The Hedgehog Program . Diabetes . Available from : https :// www . hedgehogprogram . com / wiki / hedgehog-species / atelerix / africanpygmy-hedgehog / diabetes / [ Accessed 10 Jaunary 2023 ].
2 Bruyette D . Diabetes mellitus in dogs and cats . MSD Veterinary Manual . 2022 . Available from : https :// www . msdvetmanual . com / endocrine-system / the-pancreas / diabetes-mellitus-in-dogs-andcats [ Accessed 14 January 2023 ].
3 Gear R . Medical disorders of dogs and cats and their nursing . In : Cooper B , Mullineaux E , Turner L . ( eds .) BSAVA Textbook of Veterinary Nursing . 6th ed . Gloucester : BSAVA Publications ; 2020 . p . 563 .
4 MSD Health Hub . Pet Diabetes : Know the early signs to better manage your pets ' health . Available from : https :// www . msd-animalhealth . com / pet-diabetes-know-the-early-signs / [ Accessed 19 July 2022 ].
5 Anon . Tatter Diabetic Hedgehog . Available from : https :// www . angelfire . com / oh3 / hedgiesandus / TatterDiabeticHedgehog . html [ Accessed 10 January 2023 ].
6 Johnson D . African pygmy hedgehogs . In : Meredith A and Johnson- Delaney C . ( eds .) BSAVA Manual of Exotic Pets . 5th ed . Gloucester : BSAVA Publications ; 2021 . p . 139 – 147 .
7 Okorie-Kanu CO , Onoja RI , Achegbulu EE , Okorie-Kanu J . Normal haematological and serum biochemistry values of African hedgehog ( Atelerix albiventris ). Comparative Clinical Pathology . 2014 ; 24 ( 1 ): 127 – 132 . Available from : https :// link . springer . com / article / 10.1007 / s00580-013-1870-x .
8 Wells I . What can pygmy hedgehogs eat ? The best diet for your pet hedgehog . 2018 . Available from : https :// www . exoticdirect . co . uk / news / what-can-pygmy-hedgehogs-eat-best-diet-your-pethedgehog [ Accessed 13 June 2022 ].
9 Pollock C , Parmentier SL . Basic Information Sheet : African Pygmy Hedgehog . 2019 . Available from : https :// lafeber . com / vet / basicinformation-for-hedgehogs / [ Accessed 17 September 2022 ].
A large vivarium is the ideal environment to house an African pygmy hedgehog – a 1.5 m vivarium offers good temperature control and ample foraging space . It is worth highlighting that , as these animals are nocturnal , most of their exercise is carried out during the night . A 30 cm bucket wheel should be provided , as they can run up to 14.5 km per night . Cat toys , tunnels and tubes ( large enough to provide free movement even when the hedgehog is balled up ) can be used to provide enrichment and encourage exercise . However , it is important to ensure that the hedgehog cannot become trapped or stuck in any accessories .
Volume 38 ( 5 ) • October 2023