VNJ Volume 38 (5) October 2023 | Page 31

4 . ( a ) Promotes global muscle build up and ( c ) Hydrostatic water pressure increases blood circulation
3 . ( b ) False . Patients can be referred to the UTM at any stage if it is considered best for their rehabilitation .
2 . ( b ) The hydrostatic pressure of the water may constrict their internal organs , which are surrounded by fat
1 . ( a ) Intervertebral disc disease
Further reading
1 Canine Hydrotherapy Association . Available from : https :// www . canine-hydrotherapy . org / [ Accessed 19 August 2023 ].
2 The Institute of Registered Veterinary & Animal Physiotherapists ( IRVAP ). Available from : https :// www . irvap . org . uk / [ Accessed 19 August 2023 ].
3 National Association of Registered Canine Hydrotherapists ( NARCH ). Available from : https :// www . narch . org . uk / Home / Index [ Accessed 19 August 2023 ].
4 Clent Hills Vets . Rehabilitative Canine Therapy : Benefits of canine hydrotherapy . Available from : https :// www . clenthillsvets . co . uk / en-gb / fitness-rehab / rehabilitativecanine-hydrotherapy [ Accessed 19 August 2023 ].
5 Vets : Stay , Go , Diversify ( VSGD ). Available from : https :// vsgd . co / [ Accessed 19 August 2023 ].
1 British Veterinary Nursing Association . Rehabilitation techniques for OA clinics . 2021 . Available from : https :// bvna . org . uk / blog / rehabilitation-techniques-for-oa-clinics / [ Accessed 19 August 2023 ].
2 Gamble L . Physical rehabilitation for small animals . Veterinary Clinics of North America : Small Animal Practice . 2022 ; 52 ( 4 ): 997 – 1019 . Available from : https :// doi . org / 10.1016 / j . cvsm . 2022.03.005 .

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Volume 38 ( 5 ) • October 2023