VNJ Volume 38 (5) October 2023 | Page 3


Nikki Ruedisueli , RVN | VNJ Editor | nicola @ bvna . co . uk

Welcome to the October issue of VNJ . I hope you all enjoyed the BVNA Congress and our 50th anniversary celebration . We will have photos from the event in our December issue , so look out for them !

We are nearing the end of the year , but your BVNA Council members are still busy representing you all . Throughout November , we will be focusing on Antimicrobial Awareness Month , which includes promoting the Antibiotic Amnesty campaign . The initiative is a collaboration between BVNA and our human-medicine counterparts at the Scottish Antimicrobial Nursing Group ( SANG ) and our rural veterinary companions at the Responsible Use of Medicines in Agriculture Alliance ( RUMA ). Through this important campaign , we hope you and your colleagues will encourage clients to bring their pets ' unused and out-of-date antibiotics to the practice for safe disposal . Read more about the campaign and how to get involved on page 6 .
The October issue is crammed with wonderful articles , many of which focus on the endocrine system . These include articles on diabetes mellitus ( in cats , dogs and African pygmy hedgehogs ), diabetic ketoacidosis , and a two-part series on the use of radioactive iodine to treat feline hyperthyroidism .
We also have two features on career diversification : Ruby Lambert reflects on the wide range of opportunities she explored in her first year as an RVN , while Emma Ruggles , who diversified into hydrotherapy , shares an insight into the field with a case study on the rehabilitation of a dog with forelimb lameness . Finally , Danielle Barnett figures out why the numbers don ' t always add up when it comes to juggling veterinary nursing and family life .
I hope you enjoy this issue of VNJ !
BVNA continues to support you and your practices with our toolkits . These are digital folders accessed via the BVNA website , packed with useful resources from webinars , podcasts and links to articles , interviews and panel discussions . Our recently launched Menopause and Perimenopause toolkit was well received and we are now developing a Pay toolkit , as well as a resource to help clinical coaches support their students .
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Volume 38 ( 5 ) • October 2023