VNJ Volume 38 (5) October 2023 | Page 17

Owner assessments of the health and behaviour of geriatric cats
USER-ALT Ivana Hajzler and others , Ministry of Agriculture , Forestry and Water Management , Belgrade , Serbia
A range of medical conditions in geriatric cats may first become apparent through their influence on the animal ' s routine activities . Earlier and more effective treatment for such conditions may therefore depend on the ability of owners to identify changes in their pets ' behaviour . The authors questioned the owners of 206 cats aged 9 years and older to record their observations of their pet ' s demeanour . Their findings suggest that differences in activity levels were the most commonly noticed change and that these were more likely to be spotted in cats aged 13 years or older . However , changes in behaviour were found to be unpredictable , so older cats should be monitored closely by their owners and veterinary advisers .
Journal of Veterinary Behavior https :// doi . org / 10.1016 / j . jveb . 2023.04.002
Safety and efficacy of xenotransfusions of canine blood to cats
USER-ALT Maria Elkin and others , The Hebrew University of Jerusalem , Israel
Canine blood transfusions have often been used to treat cats in emergency situations when supplies of type-matched feline blood are unavailable . The authors conducted a retrospective study of 311 feline patients requiring blood transfusions during surgery or to treat anaemia . Of these , 105 received canine blood and 206 received allotransfusions of matched feline blood . The incidence of transfusion-related adverse effects was higher in the group receiving xenotransfusions of canine blood , yet acute transfusion reactions occurred more commonly in the group given allotransfusions . The authors also found that survival to discharge was lower in the xenotransfusion group but suggest that using canine blood may save lives in emergency situations .
Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery https :// doi . org / 10.1177 / 1098612X231183930
Influence of blood tube additives on blood taurine concentrations in healthy dogs
USER-ALT Karin Kriström and others , Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences , Uppsala , Sweden
Dilated cardiomyopathy ( DCM ) is often associated with taurine deficiency , particularly in breeds such as English cocker spaniels . Blood taurine concentrations should therefore be analysed in dogs presenting with DCM-like clinical signs . The authors investigated the effects of different sampling methods on the results of blood taurine analyses . Their results demonstrate a good correlation between the results obtained using ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid ( EDTA ) plasma and heparinised plasma . Taurine levels in whole-blood samples were consistently higher than for the EDTA and heparinised plasma samples . Overall , the authors suggest that their findings indicate a need for caution when interpreting blood taurine measurements made using different methods .
Journal of Veterinary Cardiology https :// doi . org / 10.1016 / j . jvc . 2022.12.003
Volume 38 ( 5 ) • October 2023