VNJ Volume 38 (4) August 2023 | Page 49

Assessment of learning
1 . What percentage of the feline population is affected by cardiomyopathy ?
( a ) 2 % ( b ) 15 % ( c ) 33 % ( d ) 70 %
2 . What is a primary consideration when admitting feline patients with suspected heart failure ?
( a ) To place an IV cannula .
( b ) To perform a full physical examination including temperature .
( c ) To place the patient in a quiet oxygen kennel .
( d ) To perform diagnostic tests , including three view thoracic radiographs .
3 . What is the definition of the hypertrophic cardiomyopathy phenotype ?
( a ) Increased left ventricular wall thickness with no left ventricular dilation .
( b ) Decreased left ventricular wall thickness with left ventricular dilation .
( c ) Normal left ventricular wall thickness with atrial enlargement .
( d ) Right ventricular dilation .
4 . What factors may result in a patient with cardiomyopathy deteriorating into heart failure ?
5 . When should owners monitor respiratory rates at home ?
( a ) Every hour . ( b ) Immediately after medication .
( c ) When the patient is sleeping or resting with no disturbances .
( d ) Once every 2 months .
5 . ( c ) When the patient is sleeping or resting with no disturbances .
4 . Answers could include : stress , anaesthesia , glucocorticosteroids , intravenous fluid administration
3 . ( a ) Increased left ventricular wall thickness with no left ventricular dilation .
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1 . ( b ) 15 % 2 . ( c ) To place the patient in a quiet oxygen kennel .
Volume 38 ( 4 ) • August 2023