VNJ Volume 38 (4) August 2023 | Page 11

Receiving blood transfusions
The first line of treatment for AIHA in humans is steroid therapy [ 4 ] , but , in my case , this wasn ' t as effective as the doctors had hoped . As my red blood cell count continued to drop and I began to feel more unwell , the decision was made to give me a blood transfusion . I received four transfusions over the 2 weeks I was in hospital . One was on my 28th birthday – the best gift I have ever received ! I was discharged when my red blood cell count reached a safe level but I still had a long recovery ahead .
For the next 6 months my immune system was compromised , which meant I had to isolate at home , with trips outside limited to hospital appointments and walking around my village , avoiding strangers through fear of catching a virus . I missed work immensely but frequent messages from my colleagues and friends kept me company , albeit from a distance . My parents looked after me every day and around this time my sister announced she was pregnant , so the prospect of a new family member gave me something to look forward to .
Returning to work
Eventually , I was given the go-ahead to return to work by my consultant . To say I was excited would be an understatement ! But I was worried too : that I wouldn ' t remember anything and that I would struggle to get back into the swing of things . However , a locum vet at the practice reassured me that I ' d hit the ground running , which helped to boost my confidence .
Unfortunately , the ordeal took its toll on my mental health . I found it difficult to stay positive at work and at home . I slipped into anxiety and depression , which led to a mental breakdown when things finally became overwhelming . I did , however , find the strength to talk to someone . I booked an appointment with a local psychologist and haven ' t looked back since . I am a more positive and happier person now , and continue to work on maintaining this sense of wellbeing .
My AIHA remains in remission , but knowing there is always a chance I could relapse makes me feel anxious at times . My employers and colleagues are very supportive and I ' ve had many helpful chats with them when I ' ve felt worried . Supporting colleagues with chronic illness is so important – knowing I have people I can speak to at work makes a big difference .
My family is worth their weight in gold and continues to support me through the ups and downs of recovery . I ' m now an auntie to another gorgeous and healthy nephew , Sammy , who I ' m so grateful to be able to watch grow . But I often sit and think about the strangers who gave their time and blood to save my life , as , without them , I might not be here to tell my story .
Knowing that blood donations have saved my life – and that they improve and save the lives of so many others – would you consider signing up to donate ? I ' ve already convinced three colleagues to sign up , but more are needed . An average of 5,000 donations are required each day to maintain stocks [ 5 ] but recent statistics released by NHSBT show that three out of four people who registered to donate last year have yet to donate in 2023 [ 5 ] , so I urge you to sign up and get donating as soon as you can .
Many of us think we ' re not eligible to donate , due to our lifestyle , medical history or medication , but lots of us can . The short quiz on the NHS Blood Donation website ( see the link and QR code below ) will help you determine your eligibility . Appointments are available all over the country at donation centres and mobile units , with many offering weekday , evening and weekend appointments , which can be booked online [ 6 ] . The donation process takes around an hour and a single donation can help improve or save up to three people ' s lives [ 7 ] , so you really could save the life of a stranger in just 1 hour !
For further information , visit : https :// www . blood . co . uk
1 Pet Blood Bank UK . Get involved . Available from : https :// www . petbloodbankuk . org / get-involved [ Accessed 4 March 2023 ].
2 NHS Blood and Transplant . Amber alert issued on blood stocks – existing O Neg and O Pos donors asked to make appointments . Available from : https :// www . blood . co . uk / news-and-campaigns / news-and-statements / amber-alert-issued-on-blood-stocksexisting-o-neg-and-o-pos-donors-asked-to-make-appointments [ Accessed 4 March 2023 ].
3 NHS Blood and Transplant . Blood supply shortage to hospitals in England ends . Available from : https :// www . blood . co . uk / news-andcampaigns / news-and-statements / blood-supply-shortage-alert-tohospitals-in-england-ends [ Accessed on 4 March 2023 ].
4 Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust . Autoimmune Haemolytic Anaemia Information For Patients . Available from : https :// www . ouh . nhs . uk / patient-guide / leaflets / files / 65449Panaemia . pdf [ Accessed 4 March 2023 ].
5 NHS Blood and Transplant . NHS appeals to people who signed up last year to give blood to make 2023 the year they save lives . Available from : https :// www . blood . co . uk / news-and-campaigns / news-andstatements / nhs-appeals-to-almost-a-quarter-of-a-million-peopleto-make-2023-the-year-they-save-lives [ Accessed 4 March 2023 ].
6 NHS Blood and Transplant . Our donor centres and local venues . Available from : https :// my . blood . co . uk [ Accessed 4 March 2023 ].
7 NHS Blood and Transplant . Giving blood for the first time . Available from : https :// www . blood . co . uk / the-donation-process / givingblood-for-the-first-time [ Accessed 4 March 2023 ].
Volume 38 ( 4 ) • August 2023