VNJ Volume 38 (3) June 2023 | Page 3


Nikki Ruedisueli , RVN | VNJ Editor | nicola @ bvna . co . uk

Welcome to the June edition of VNJ . Summer is when most of us hope to take a break so , if you do get chance to settle in the sun for a little while , you ' ll find plenty to read in this issue .

In March , BVNA achieved the Silver award from Investors in the Environment for changes we ' ve implemented to reduce our environmental impact ( page 7 ). We ' re keen to encourage others to think about how they can reduce their impact too , and you ' ll find an article on page 18 by veterinary nurse Ben Witcomb , who is a sustainability lead at Woodward Veterinary Practice in Leicester . Ben has collected data on the practice ' s environmental impact and helped implement changes to reduce its carbon footprint . He reveals how even small changes can make a big difference .
On the subject of sustainability , we value the feedback you ' ve shared about the environmental impact of printing VNJ , and in 2024 we aim to move from print to digital . Not only is the digital version more environmentally friendly , it also enables us to add more interactive and multimedia features , which will make it even better for our readers , so it ' s a win-win for people and planet .
We understand that sometimes only a printed copy will suffice , so we intend to ensure that VNJ is still available in print , at a small additional cost . These issues will be printed on demand to help us keep our use of paper and ink to a minimum . The timing and details of the switch are still in discussion and we will , of course , keep you informed . As always , we welcome your feedback .
Also in this issue , Courtney Scales discusses the role of the veterinary nurse in airway management during small animal anaesthesia ( page 44 ), including troubleshooting various patient airway scenarios . She starts with a refresher on the anatomy and the equipment used , then covers the intubation process and associated risk factors .
We continue our obesity theme from the April issue with Amber Mansell ' s investigation into the efficacy of veterinary nurse-led clinics to help manage canine obesity . She identifies that emphasis should be placed on calorific restrictions rather than exercise . Read her article on page 33 to find out more .
Jackie Ryan and Jessica Johnson brought the thunder of horses ' hooves to the September 2022 issue of VNJ and we ' re delighted they ' ve found time to share another piece with us . This time they ' ve provided an equine nurse ' s guide to colic surgery ( page 24 ). This practical guide outlines the preparation and organisation involved , the equipment needed , the procedures performed and recovery care . They highlight the importance of good communication between members of the veterinary team in securing the optimum outcome for the patient .
Towards the front of this issue you ' ll find a couple of employment-related articles , along with the Science Shorts section and a peek at this year ' s BVNA Council election candidates . You ' ll also discover a new BVNA news section , which will soon be expanded into a digital VNJ newsletter – keep an eye on your inbox . In the meantime , keep sending ideas for articles and have a wonderful summer .
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Volume 38 ( 3 ) • June 2023